
  • Stock items are shipped same day if ordered before noon.
  • Our prices include delivery within England, Wales and Southern Scotland.
  • Deliveries to the Highlands, Ireland and Offshore Islands may incur a surcharge.
  • We deliver worldwide – please contact us for a quote.

Return Policy

If the Buyer is for whatever reason unhappy with the Goods or has ordered an incorrect model by mistake he can return the incorrect Goods within 7 days from their receipt. Before any return, the Buyer must inform the Seller in writing about reasons for return of Goods.

The Seller will issue a Return Number and only after receipt of this number can the Goods be sent to Seller’s premises. The Return Number must be clearly marked on the outer packaging as well as on the delivery note.

Goods must be standard products and in as new condition. Goods being returned must be wrapped to protect against damage on return journey. We reserve the right to charge for refurbishment costs as well as restocking costs.